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Minimum pricing will lead to reduction in alcohol-fuelled crime & save lives, Joint Committee hears

The introduction of minimum pricing will lead to reduction in alcohol-fuelled crime in Ireland and save lives, according to a leading alcohol policy expert.

Professor Tim Stockwell told the Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality today (Tuesday) that minimum pricing has led to a reduction in crime and deaths due to alcohol in Canada and would have similarly positive results if introduced in Ireland.

Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, and Professor Stockwell, Director at the Centre for Addictions Research of British Columbia, addressed the Committee on alcohol-related crime and the potential of minimum pricing to reduce it.

The Committee heard that alcohol plays a key role in crime in Ireland and the type and severity of alcohol-related offences are wide-ranging, from public order offences to violent assault and manslaughter, while alcohol-fuelled crime also puts a huge strain on Garda resources and costs the State an estimated €1.2 billion annually.

Professor Stockwell presented his latest research findings on the impact of minimum pricing on crime in 89 local health areas in British Columbia over nine years. “A 10% increase in the average minimum price of alcohol was associated with decreases of 19.5% in alcohol-related traffic offences, 18.5% in property crimes and of 10.4% in violent crimes,” said Professor Stockwell.

Professor Stockwell also outlined some of his previous research findings on minimum pricing for the Committee, including that a 10% increase in the average minimum price for alcohol was associated with a 32% reduction in wholly alcohol attributable deaths in British Columbia.


Source: Alcohol Action Ireland, 25/03/14

Posted by drugsdotie on 03/26 at 09:51 AM in
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