Northern Ireland is planning to introduce a minimum price for alcohol to try to combat alcohol abuse, the North’s Minister of Health, Jim Wells, has said.
Mr Wells said research by the University of Sheffieldwhich his department, the Department of Health in the Republic and the North’s Department of Social Development had commissioned, had convinced him that minimum unit pricing would curb immoderate drinking.
He said the report showed minimum pricing reduced consumption and alcohol-related harm by ensuring alcohol cannot be bought at prices that do not reflect its strength. He said the research demonstrated that such pricing willwould “help reduce alcohol consumption and, as a result, lead to a decrease in alcohol-related deaths, alcohol-related hospital admissions, crime and absenteeism”.
“The level of harm caused by excessive alcohol consumption in Northern Ireland is staggering,” Mr Wells said. “The total cost to the Northern Ireland economy is estimated to be as high as £900 million (€1.13 billion) per year, with the burden to healthcare alone costing up to £240 million per year
50p per unit
Mr Wells has not yet decided what should be the minimum price per unit of alcohol, although for reference sake he cited a figure of 50p per unit. A minimum unit price mainlywould have an impact on low-price, high-strength drinks such as cider, beers and own-brand spirits.
Mr Wells said the research indicated a 50p-per-unit minimum price would lead to a reduction of 63 alcohol-related deaths per year (after 20 years when the full effect of the policy would be felt) and a reduction of 2,460 alcohol-related admissions to hospital.
Source: Gerry Moriarty, Irish Times, 03/12/14