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Ming tells rally legal cannabis can raise €476m

Legalising cannabis would be worth more than €400m a year to the economy -- more than the household charge, an Independent TD has argued.

Luke 'Ming' Flanagan, a campaigner against the criminalisation of cannabis use, told a 'Legalise Cannabis' march in Dublin city centre that the current situation was funding the criminal underworld.

The Roscommon-South Leitrim Independent TD said it has been estimated legalising the drug would be worth €476m a year to the economy in revenue through taxation and savings to the criminal justice system.

"Money currently ends up in the pockets of criminals and it would be better spent in the health service," Mr Flanagan, who addressed hundreds of people as he spoke outside Dail Eireann at Saturday's rally, said.


Source: Louise Hogan, Irish Independent, 07/05/2012

Posted by drugsdotie on 05/08 at 09:49 AM in
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