This initiative will meet the needs of individuals who are in the process of stabilising and changing their life style and behaviours. There will be a particular focus on dealing with the effects of homelessness and addiction.
Merchant Quay Ireland’s
Easy Access to Education
Commences the 10th of January 2010
Target Group: This initiative will meet the needs of individuals who are in the process of stabilising and changing their life style and behaviours. There will be a particular focus on dealing with the effects of homelessness and addiction. This activity may be of particular benefit to service users as part of their Support to Live Independently Scheme or as part of Methadone maintenance.
Aim: To introduce participants to the education and life skills necessary for a sustainable and healthy lifestyle, free from homelessness and chaotic drug use.
Learning Outcomes: Individuals participating in this initiative
- Will undertake a number of practical skills to encourage healthy & positive patterns of behaviour and life style.
- Will develop and explore decision making process.
- Will develop a “Next Step” personal plan.
Course Content:
- Decision Making
- Self-awareness
- Assertive communication
- Budgeting
- Skills tasters – Computers, Gardening, Art,
- Training, Education & Employment options.
Times: This activity will run initially on a Monday and Wednesday – 10.00 to 12.00. All workshops will run in a ten week cycle on a roll-on-roll-off arrangement.
Location: Merchants Quay Ireland, Merchants Quay, Dublin 8.
Contact: If you wish to make a referral or for more details please contact, Miriam Kane 524 0934 ext 2002 or email me on