Media Awards Deadline Extended to March 1st.
A number of schools have requested additional time for students to complete their entries for the 'Let’s Talk about Drugs' National Media Awards 2017. Following this feedback, the deadline date has been extended to March 1st 2017. Individuals who have already submitted an entry can submit additional entries if they choose.
The competition is primarily aimed at secondary schools, colleges and youth clubs nationwide and is supported by the Department of Health, the HSE, COSC, the Ana Liffey Drug Project, Healthy Ireland and the website. is Ireland’s National Drug and Alcohol Information and Support Website.
To enter, students are asked to create either: a poster, an audio podcast, a news article; or a short video on one of the following themes: (a) The hidden harm of alcohol use; (b) The effects of drug use. The age categories for entering are: 12-14; 15-17; 18-21; 22-25.
Winners from the four age categories will receive an iPad mini and the overall winner will receive a prize of €2,000.