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Limerick anti-drugs charity is set to be wound up

One of Limerick’s most prominent charities is to shut down after government cuts of more than a quarter of a million euro.

ALJEFF, the charity which delivers services to those with addiction problems and their families in Limerick city, is to be wound up by the board of the company, after its funding from the Mid-West Drugs Task Force was chopped by €260,000 last year.

Some 14 full-time jobs have been lost at the Ballysimon Road charity, which has helped well over 400 people in the last year alone.

However, a contingency plan has been put in place with the HSE in order to ensure there is a continuation of service in the medium term - to protect the clients they are helping at present.


Source: Nick Rabbitts, Limerick Leader, 08/01/2012

Posted by Andy on 01/08 at 03:11 PM in
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