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Keeping campuses healthy

Health centres on university campuses open their doors to hundreds of students each week around Ireland and, after speaking to medical professionals working in the area, IMN found that students are not cocooned from the effects of the recession.

Students are no longer only concerned about exam results, completing essays, and lecture attendance.

Those attending third-level institutions are growing increasingly worried about life after college and how they will survive come graduation.

Dr Declan Aherne, PhD, Head of Counselling at the Student Health Centre, University of Limerick (UL), told IMN that numbers of students attending mental health services in the university have more than doubled in just five years, which is typical of many of the student counselling services around the country.


Source: Marie Feely, Irish Medical News, 01/03/2012

Posted by Andy on 03/01 at 02:05 PM in
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