Despite its portrayal, cannabis is not a soft and cuddly narcotic. Everyone needs to remember it’s a very addictive drug of marginal medicinal value, says Dr Bobby Smyth.
CANNABIS is a complex drug, often presented as a miracle medication. But I see its darker side. Cannabis has become the dominant reason for young people to seek addiction treatment across Ireland, rising slowly and relentlessly over the past 10 years.
In the past week, our courts dealt with a young man killed over a drug debt of €100. Most media reports of this sad affair glossed over the drug involved. It wasn’t heroin. It wasn’t cocaine. It was soft, cuddly cannabis.
Our clinical services routinely encounter young people who have racked up debts of thousands of euro to fund their insatiable appetite for this drug. Frankly, I didn’t believe these young people, when I first met them, in 2008.
Source: Irish Examiner, 19/12/2016