The first long-term study of the effects of vaping in ex-smokers found that people who switched from real to e-cigarettes had far fewer toxins and cancer-causing substances in their bodies than regular smokers.
The researchers said the finding provided strong reassurance that vaping was safer than smoking.
The scientists, funded by Cancer Research UK, studied a total of 181 individuals, including smokers and ex-smokers who had used e-cigarettes or nicotine- replacement therapy (NRT) products, such as patches and nasal sprays, for at least six months.
Vape Business Ireland (VBI) called on the Irish Cancer Society to endorse the research that was carried out by their British counterpart.
“We hope this study will encourage the Department of Health and the Irish Cancer Society to embrace the potential vaping has as an alternative to smoking,” said VBI spokesman, Keith Flynn.
Source: Evelyn Ring and John Von Radowitz, The Irish Examiner, 08/02/17