Information note
The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) in Northern Ireland has issued a communication in relation to recent sudden deaths in Belfast which may be drug related.
The CMO's letter makes reference to unmarked white tablets, taken with alcohol. While details are limited at this stage, it appears that a number of unmarked white tablets (which were believed to be ecstasy but which have not yet been tested) may be involved along with alcohol. Information on ecstasy is available at:
While the CMO acknowledge that they do not have any information on what the substance is, or whether it is actually related to the incidents, they wish to refer people to a previous alert letter
(HSS(MD)25/2012: which provided information on PARAMETHOXYAMPHETAMINE (PMA).
It should be noted that PMA is a stimulant drug similar to ecstasy, but these particular tablets do not have the same effect or take effect as quickly as an ecstasy tablet.
Users may believe they have taken a ‘weak’ ecstasy tablet, when they have actually taken a tablet containing this highly toxic substance. They may then be tempted to take more tablets to achieve the desired effect, increasing the risk of a potentially fatal overdose. More information on PMA can be accessed on at:
Anyone with a supply of similar substances should be encouraged to safely dispose of them.
Any similar reports from the Republic of Ireland should be reported to the HSE at