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Irish children “groomed” by the alcohol industry

The lack of strict legislation governing alcohol advertising and sponsorship is allowing Irish children to be “groomed” by the alcohol industry, the Joint Committee on Transport and Communications has heard today (Wednesday).

Dr Bobby Smyth, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, and Professor Joe Barry, Public Health Specialist, addressed the Committee on behalf of Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, of which they are both board members.

Alcohol Action Ireland is calling on the government to implement the recommendations of the Steering Group Report on the National Substance Misuse Strategy, which would see alcohol sponsorship of sports phased out and bring an end to the current system of self-regulation for alcohol marketing, along with a large number of other, wide-ranging measures designed to reduce the significant economic and human costs of alcohol-related harm in Ireland.


Source: Alcohol Action Ireland, 18/04/2013

Posted by on 04/18 at 10:09 AM in
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