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ICGP backs greater controls on alcohol

By Dara Gantly. The ICGP has publicly come out in support of the Government’s intentions to legislate to reduce the level of alcohol abuse in Ireland.

In a statement issued today (Wednesday 18 April), Dr Iain Morrison said the College supported any measures that would reduce the very high levels of excess alcohol consumption in Ireland, and the damage this abuse caused to individuals and society as a whole.

The College highlighted the evidence that the adolescent brain dealt with alcohol differently to the adult brain, making it more vulnerable to memory loss and impairment as a result of alcohol binges. In terms of our adolescents, Dr Morrison pointed out that binge drinking amongst Irish 15- to 16-year-olds was the third highest in Europe, with an average of €20 a week spent by teenagers on alcohol.


Source: Dara Gantly, Irish Medical Times, 19/04/2012 

Posted by Andy on 04/19 at 09:04 AM in
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