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‘I thought my dependency on alcohol made my anxiety better’

The Time of My Life is a weekly column about a moment that changed someone’s life – for the better or the worse.

When I turned 30, I started to get really crippling hangovers. They weren’t just a day, but three, four days, of terrible fear and physical illness. For most of my 20s I was a little bit worried about my drinking. I kind of always knew it was unhealthy. But because I always had a job and relationships, I thought “maybe it’s okay, maybe it’s grand, maybe it’s normal to wake up in a toilet in a nightclub with vomit in my hair”.

I decided to give myself a target of three months without drinking. I had previously done a week, two weeks, but I don’t think I’d stopped consistently before that, which always worried me. I was determined to prove to myself that I didn’t have anything to worry about. My anxiety was pretty intense around that time, and I wanted to remove something I was anxious about. I thought: this is something I can do, so if I remove alcohol I might feel better.


Source:Aoife McElwain, The Irish Times, 28/01/18 

Posted by on 01/29 at 10:41 AM in
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