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HSE Warning: Severe reaction to ecstasy ingestion

Within the past week three persons have attended the Emergency Department in Clonmel, County Tipperary, exhibiting severe symptoms (jaw clenching, teeth grinding, severe stomach cramps, and hallucinations) after reporting using ecstasy.

Urine testing on one of these patients showed benzodiazepines, cannabis, amphetamines and alcohol.

The amphetamine was confirmed as being a combination of MDMA (ecstasy), MDA and MDEA .

Investigations are on-going to determine if the incidents are linked. It is known that two definitely are.

Colleagues in the United Kingdom have alerted the European authorities to the fact that two people died last weekend after taking ecstasy.

There may be an extremely strong batch of ecstasy in circulation.

Ingestion of drugs carries health risks, many times of a serious nature.


Source: Health Service Executive

Posted by Andy on 12/08 at 07:55 PM in
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(4) Comments


#1. Posted by Conor on December 09, 2011

which ones are they, im sure the lads said what symbol is on them. how else can we stay away from them??

#2. Posted by Blair Anderson on December 11, 2011

Looks like prohibition failure to me… legal regulation would ensure clinical grade MDMA at known concentrations.
Harm reduction is not abstinence, it is credible labeling and responsible distribution in an environment absent double standards.

#3. Posted by Admin on December 12, 2011

Hi Conor, we are following up on this to see if we can get any further information and shall publish this if we receive it. Thank you.

#4. Posted by Admin on December 12, 2011

Hi Conor,

We have since been provided with a description of the tablets from the cases.

They are a white tablet with a B in the centre and a circle around it.

See the following link for an image:





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