The National Addiction Training Programme, on behalf of the HSE, wishes to invite tenders from suitably qualified and experienced operators to provide training to frontline workers in the voluntary, statutory and community addiction workforce who are engaging in pilot projects in 10 locations within Ireland.
This training is aimed at broadening and enhancing knowledge and skills of workers in three key areas as recommended by the 2010 National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework document and as described in the 3 accompanying module descriptors:(1) Key Working (2) Care Planning and (3) Case Management.
It is envisaged that one supplier will be selected to deliver the requirements of the entire body of work as outlined in the specifications. The overall objective of the training is that it should be real, relevant and transferable to the workplace with the aim of: developing participants’ knowledge and practical skills in key working, care planning and case management.
For more information visit the e-tenders website at this link>>>