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HSE addiction expert: Festivals that don’t provide drug information and support should be refused a

MUSIC FESTIVALS COULD be refused a licence to run their events if they don’t provide harm reduction advice to guests under measures set to be discussed at a working group next month. last week revealed that discussions have already begun with labs capable of carrying out drug-testing in a number of locations across Ireland, in a bid to reduce the health risks associated with taking drugs at the events.

On site drug-testing would require a change to existing legislation and is considered a longer-term approach to harm reduction.

Another measure to be examined, however, surrounds the responsibility of organisers and promoters for the welfare of their guests, and ways they can proactively engage in harm reduction.

Dr Eamon Keenan, the HSE’s national clinical lead in addiction services, told that he will support introducing new regulations that require promoters to provide harm reduction advice to everyone who purchases a ticket.

He said those which did not agree to such a measure should not be granted a licence to host it.

“Going forward with festivals, I think promoters should only get their licence – depending on the numbers attending – if they meet a requirement to have HSE emergency management teams involved,” he said.


Source: Conor McCrave, The Journal, 17th August 2019

Posted by on 08/19 at 09:55 AM in
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