THE ONLINE CURRENCY Bitcoin is making it easier for Irish students to buy unprescribed ‘study drugs’ over the web, fuelling spikes in the popularity of the drugs on college campuses during exam season.
A senior doctor at Trinity College Dublin has said that the issue of students taking the drugs is now arising before the exams begin ‘most years’, while the Union of Students in Ireland has warned that colleges are being ‘irresponsible’ for not dealing with the increased use of the medication.
Students have described buying non-prescribed ADHD and ADD medication to help them concentrate intensely and cram for exams or essay deadlines. Similarly, narcolepsy and wakefulness prescription drugs are taken to wave off sleep and pull all-nighters studying. Adderall, Ritalin, Wakealert, Modalert and Concerta are some common drugs taken, according to students and college authorities.
Source:, 09/01/2017