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Home-made drugs are ‘driving students to self-harm’

The frightening side effects of home-made hallucinogenic drugs manufactured and taken by university students are revealed today.

A potentially lethal drug taken by three UCD medical students and a veterinary student, causing one to seriously self-harm, has been linked to bizarre suicides in the UK, United States and Australia.

The student at the UCD Veterinary School suffered an eight-inch gash on his face and knocked out his front teeth after smashing his face into railings and the pavement in Dublin city centre after taking the drug, 251-NBOMe, nicknamed 'N-bomb'.

Gardai believe the drug was bought over the internet but they also suspect that students and amateur chemists here are also manufacturing their own synthetic drugs as instructions for the production of MDMA-like drugs are also available on the internet.

The chemicals required are available in universities and online. One female student at Trinity College is suspected of manufacturing MDMA.

The use of the new hallucinogen alongside the PMMA strain of ecstasy that has caused four deaths in the past month has alarmed gardai and health workers. The HSE has issued a major alert over the pills known as "Green Rolex" or "Green Apple" following a spate of hospitalisations and the deaths. 


Source: Jim Cusack, Irish Independent, 25/05/14

Posted by drugsdotie on 05/26 at 08:56 AM in
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