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Hidden realities of alcohol abuse

With the hidden depths of Ireland’s drink culture locked into statistics which point to one in four child welfare cases in Donegal being alcohol related and the county ranked third highest nationally in terms of numbers entering alcohol treatment units, the Director of the North-West Alcohol Forum yesterday posed the pointed question: “Do we need alcohol for every occasion?”

Citing instances of such events as Christenings and children’s birth parties being held in venues where many adults are consuming drink, Eamon O’Kane said the recently published Hidden Realities report drew attention to children’s exposure to risks from parental drinking.

“In former times drink was part of a night out, now it’s the reason many people go out. The objective for far too many is just to get drunk,” the Letterkenny based Director insisted.


Source: Paddy Walsh, Donegal Democrat, 17/02/2012

Posted by Andy on 02/17 at 03:07 PM in
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