Chairman of the Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children, Jerry Buttimer TD has welcomed the commitment by the Minister of State with responsibility for primary care, Roisin Shortall to bring forward a public health bill to address the problem of the misuse and consumption of alcohol by mid-year.
Minister Shortall and Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, attended the Committee meeting today to discuss the findings of the Steering Group Report on a National Substance Misuse Strategy report and provide members with an overview of some of the evidence presented by the Steering Group on the adverse implications of alcohol on society.
Committee Chairman, Jerry Buttimer TD said: “As a society we have debated our misuse and consumption of alcohol for many years but there comes a point when there is a need to move from debate to political action. On this issue that time is now. No longer can those charged with devising and implementing public policy abdicate responsibility on this important matter of public health.
Source:, 16/03/2012