Each weekend people have to be admitted to the busy A&E department because they have ingested head-shop drugs. The problem persists despite recent government legislation which means courts can jail people for up to seven years for simply possessing the drugs.
A&E Consultant Dr. Paul Kelly said four people were admitted over the weekend following the consumption of substances from head shops.
“One person had suffered a seizure, and the others had fast heart rates and suffered from anxiety. Although three of the cases were minor, people still felt it was necessary for them to be admitted to hospital,” Dr. Kelly said.
The A&E has been clogged with people being admitted having taken prescription drugs and methamphetamines.
Dr. Kelly said taking these drugs can result in overdoses, especially when they are mixed with alcohol. Unlike before, patients no longer have their stomachs pumped; instead staff try to sedate them and wait for the effects of the drugs to wear off.
Source: The Enniscorthy Echo, 04/06/2010