At the start of European Month of the Brain, Shane O’Mara says the effects of excessive alcohol consumption on one of our vital organs should not be underestimated.
We drink too much in Ireland. As a nation, we consistently place highly in the global heavy drinking league. Excess alcohol consumption causes many problems. It is, for example, the major cause of death in men aged 35 to 50 in Ireland. A HSE report suggests the estimated overall cost of alcohol abuse to Irish society was €3.7bn in 2007. The consequences of long-term, heavy drinking are by now well-known within the health services and to health professionals, if not often well understood by the drinking public at large. Every organ system and tissue of the body is adversely affected by alcohol misuse. The effects of alcohol misuse can be amplified by consuming tobacco and other drugs. There may also be particular genetic vulnerabilities to alcohol which also amplify its effects.
Source: Shane O’Mara, Irish Examiner, 01/06/2013