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Groups launch attack on alcohol report

Sparks flew at the launch of a Government expert group’s report on alcohol, as representatives of the drinks industry accused the group of "effectively suppressing" its views and labelled members of being "ideologically prejudiced".

The representative bodies were members of the national substance misuse strategy steering group and published — through the Department of Health website — their own minority reports to coincide with the main report.

The Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland, which represents manufacturers and suppliers of alcohol, and Meas, an alcohol social responsibility organisation funded by the drinks industry, were among 33 groups, government departments and expert organisations which sat on the committee for over two years.

At the long-awaited publication of the report, details of which have previously been published in the Irish Examiner, the two groups launched a strong attack on the report and the group.


Source: Cormac O'Keefe, Irish Examiner, 08/02/2012

Posted by Andy on 02/08 at 09:49 AM in
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