Doctors in Cork and Kerry have been warned in recent weeks to be "on guard" for new patients seeking sedatives and tranquillisers.
The warning was issued in both counties after a Cork city GP suddenly closed his practice to go on sick leave.
Cathedral Rd-based GP David Murphy gave a voluntary undertaking to the High Court and Medical Council this week that he would not prescribe benzodiazepines and opiates in advance of an judgment by the Medical Council, which is investigating Dr Murphy’s prescribing policy
GPs, accident and emergency staff, gardaí, and members of the local drugs taskforce attended an emergency meeting after Dr Murphy informed the HSE that he would no longer be practicing at his northside clinic.
Following the meeting, a letter was sent to all South Doc GPs informing them that an unusual prescription pattern had been detected, and that patients not attached to their own surgeries who sought such drugs should be encouraged to return to their own GP.
Source: Claire O’Sullivan, Irish Examiner, 16/05/12