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Government rushes through new law to close drink-drive loophole after Irish-language ruling

The Government is rushing through emergency legislation to close a loophole in the law that could have seen hundreds of motorists on drink-driving charges have their prosecutions thrown out.
On the advice of the Attorney General’s Office, Minister for Transport Paschal Donohoe has signed into law a replacement ‘Statutory Instrument’ which now provides that breath alcohol test statements may be produced in either the English or the Irish language.
“This was always the objective of the legislation,” Mr Donohoe said.

“In the interests of road safety, I have moved immediately to provide the new legislation deemed necessary regarding the form of the statements to be provided under section 13 of the Road Traffic Act 2010.”

High Court Judge Mr Justice Seamus Noonan yesterday said there was "no ambiguity" in a law which says that gardaí - when performing an Evidenzer alcohol breath test - must supply statements in Irish and in English.


Source:, 22/09/15

Posted by on 09/22 at 02:18 PM in
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