In 2013, my usual plan to give up drink for November turned into 14 months of alcohol-free living.
Vino d’Abstinence (2014) – a bubbly, energising, new-world vintage with a delicate refined quality at a surprisingly low cost. It has a small but dedicated band of followers.
Four or five years ago I started giving up alcohol for November, mainly to give the body a break before the festive season and to try to get into better physical shape. It was surprisingly difficult. Thirty days and nights. It seemed to go on forever. There was always something – dinners, birthday parties and, of course, the autumn rugby internationals.
The comments were of a piece: What’s wrong with you? Are you on antibiotics? No! You’ve given it up for a month? Jaysus you’re going to the match and you’re not drinking. What a waste of a ticket. Going to be a long day lads. Right, same again and a fizzy orange for Matt Talbot there in the corner . . .
Matt generally slipped away before the mayhem.
Source: Kieran Garry, 03/01/2015