A new campaign is aiming to raise awareness of the genetic link associated with alcohol dependence.
Everyone has the potential to become dependent on alcohol, however some people are more predisposed to become addicts than others. In fact, up to 60% of a person's risk factors come from genetics.
Research indicates that a person is eight times more likely to develop a drug or alcohol addiction if their parent had such an addiction.
As part of the Reduce Your Alcohol Use campaign, 800 people over the age of 30, who consume alcohol, were surveyed. The results revealed that almost two in three people believe that alcoholism has a genetic component that runs in families.
Over 40% of those surveyed had a family history of alcohol problems and just over 30% said that they do not drink, or only drink moderate amounts, due to the way in which some family members consume alcohol.
According to Dr Garrett McGovern, a GP who specialises in substance abuse, alcohol dependence is characterised by ‘compulsive alcohol seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to themselves and those around them'.
Source: Deborah Condon, irishhealth.com, 21/10/13