Even as health experts warn of rising alcohol consumption among under-18s, nightclubs are giving alcohol away to lure customers
Club promoters are calling it a sprint to the bottom. It’s a price war in which clubs – previously bastions of high-priced alcohol – are now offering free drink and cut-price promotions just to attract customers. Essentially, they’re paying for people to come through the doors. The economy of selling alcohol has turned on its head.
Alcohol is 50 per cent more affordable than it was 15 years ago, according to a technical report on the affordability of alcoholic beverages in the EU. And, on average, Irish people drink twice as much as they did 50 years ago, according to Alcohol Action Ireland. A generation of young people is drinking more than ever, and is drunker than ever. And it costs. The bill for alcohol-related harm amounts to €3.7 billion a year.
Source: Una Mullally, Irish Times, 13/11/2011