In three parts, the FactCheck referees an argument between a Minister of State and a Dublin City Councillor over supervised injection centres. Today is part one.
THE GOVERNMENT IS advancing legislation to allow for the creation of supervised injection facilities (SIFs), where drug users can legally inject drugs in a medically-supervised centre.
Naturally, the debate around this proposal has intensified, and on TV3′s Tonight With Vincent Browne last week, there was a robust back-and-forth between Catherine Byrne, the junior minister in charge of the plan, and Dublin City councillor Mannix Flynn, who is opposed to it.
There were a few very noteworthy factual claims, so we’ve broken this into three parts.
Today, we’ll examine Minister of State Byrne’s claim that, contrary to widespread contention, there are 787 detox beds in Ireland.
On Sunday night, we’ll take a look at Mannix Flynn’s claim that SIFs do not reduce drug-related crime.
And on Monday night, we’ll check his claim that SIFs don’t reduce drug-related deaths.
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Claim: There are around 700 detox beds in Ireland
Source:, 18/02/2017