Recognising the damage alcohol abuse is causing to young people is one thing; doing something positive about it is another.
As reports come in from police services in the United States and Australia of young Irish immigrants out of control through excessive drinking, older people here will have to confront their own demons. Leinster House could be wallpapered with all the official reports which have detailed the harm done to society by alcohol and made the case for remedial action. Little has happened. But it is time for parents and society as a whole to shoulder responsibility.
The latest document dealing with depression and self-harm among young people identifies a clear link between excessive drinking and mental health. A survey of 14,000 young people by youth mental health organisation Headstrong and UCD psychologists gives cause for serious concerns. It provides compelling reasons for a legislative response and, more importantly, for parents to review their own drinking behaviour and attitudes because of their negative impact on children. When society as a whole recognises it is conforming to a traditional image of “the drunken Irish”, something might change.
Source: Irish Times, 18/05/2012