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EXTENDED DEADLINE TO INITIAL CALL: Evaluation of the HSE Naloxone Demonstration Project

The HSE has a stated commitment to take actions which focus on reducing the number of drug-related deaths and near-fatal drug poisonings. The HSE is currently finalising a Naloxone Demonstration Project, the purpose of which is to have Naloxone available for use by opioid users in order to prevent overdose. This project meets one of the key actions contained in the Primary Care Division Operational Plan 2015,   “Implement a Naloxone Demonstration Project to assess and evaluate its suitability and impact (in line with NDS Action 40).”

The demonstration project involves 600 patients receiving take-home Naloxone within the current legislative framework.  The product (Prenoxad 1mg/ml injection) is a licensed injectable administered via the parenteral route and formulated in a specific overdose pack. This allows for lay administration. The product is currently available in Wales and England.

A key element of the demonstration project is the provision of training for drug users and those close to them, on the use of Naloxone and on recognising and dealing with overdose events.

Scope of the Evaluation

The requirement is for both a process and outcome evaluation.

The aim of the outcome evaluation is to investigate:

  1. Learning and other outcomes from the training sessions
  2. Practical application of Naloxone in overdose events
  3. Practical application of other harm-reduction actions in overdose events
  4. The effect of Naloxone in reducing the number of fatal overdoses

The aim of the process evaluation is to determine the nature and quality of the programme implemented by investigating:

  1. The implementation of the main elements of the programme
  2. The nature and quality of the training sessions
  3. Participants’ views of the programme as a whole

The evaluation should include:

  • A literature review (including relevant reports and grey literature)
  • Pre and post training questionnaires, using OOKS and OOAs scales
  • Observation of training sessions
  • Analysis of training sessions
  • Development of replenishment/evaluation  form to be used in the evaluation and analysis of completed forms giving data on use of Naloxone
  • Analysis of recorded drug related deaths
  • Interviews with participants (including patients, people in receipt of the training, Gardaí, paramedics) and should include perceptions on access that the legislation has had on the product

Consideration should be given to comparison sites to find out what happened at overdose events when Naloxone was not present.



Submissions are required to describe in detail a project plan that clearly outlines how the supplier proposes to design and conduct the evaluation, and how they propose to gather, manage and analyse the data so as to meet the aims of the process and outcome evaluation.

Selection Process

A call for expressions of interest will be issued on Monday 16th March 2015.
Short-listed candidates will be selected and invited to present their proposals. 

Evaluation of expressions of interest

Evaluation of the submissions will be based on the following criteria and on the basis of the following scores:

Research methodology (40)
Understanding of the issues involved
Understanding of the work involved
Feasibility of the approach suggested
Methods to ensure confidentiality and address ethical issues

Project management (40)
Ability to deliver key outputs on time
Clarity in description of milestones
Track record in this field
Qualifications and capacity of personnel

Value for Money (20)
A full and detailed breakdown of fees and costs (excluding VAT) is required. Submissions should indicate the estimated number of person/days for completing the work. The HSE reserves the right to reject any or all of the proposals submitted and will not be obliged to accept the lowest or any submission

Timescale; the dates on the initial call have been extended to the following:

  • Publicise this Expression of Interest: 16 March 2015
  • Closing Date for Expressions of Interest: 22 April 2015 (5pm)
  • Interviews for short-listed candidates: 24 April 2015
  • Selection of Preferred Supplier: 27 April 2015
  • Completion of the exercise: 30 September 2015

Please note interview, selection and completion of exercise dates may vary depending on expediency of the work.

Consultant Profile

Consultants should furnish the following in their submissions to:

  • Their approach and detailed methodology in undertaking this commission
  • The number, details of roles and input, and expertise of all staff to be involved in the evaluation, and their specific relevant experience
  • Curriculum Vitae (including the names of organisations for whom consultancy work has been completed)
  • Relevant samples of previous work with referees and relevant contact details

Management and Expectations

The following terms and conditions regarding the management of the evaluation and the expertise expected from the consultant(s) also apply:

  • The chosen consultant(s) will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the code of ethics. Special attention needs to be paid to issues of confidentiality and compliance with the Data Protection Act.
  • The successful bidder will be expected to demonstrate steps they will take to protect and store the data from corruption, infiltration and technical damage. A contract will be agreed with the HSE once the preferred service provider has been chosen.
  • The management of the evaluation and the consultant(s) will be vested in a Steering Group of the Project to whom the consultant(s) will submit all evaluation outputs. A member of the steering committee and the  Quality Assurance  Group will be allocated to successful applicant(s) if problems arise.
  • Ownership of all evaluation material and output rests with the HSE along with decisions on all aspects of publication.
  • The consultant will be required to submit at least two drafts of the final Evaluation reports, the second of which will be informed by comments and suggestions by the Project’s Steering Group.

Expected Outputs

  • Production of an evaluation design to account for process and outcomes
  • Research tools such as questionnaires, topic guides and interview schedules
  • Regular progress updates to be provided to the Steering Group; Production of draft and final interim process evaluation reports
  • Production and presentation of a final report, including references, to a publishable standard
  • Key points of relevance to improve/enhance practice, policy, and service development, which will help to determine the feasibility of expanding the project, should be outlined at the end of the report
  •  A publishable stand alone summary report should also be produced

The HSE would remind potential bidders to consider the general economic climate in preparing costs. Expressions of Interest should clearly and individually cost each element of the work outlined in the proposal and the sum should include staff costs (and where relevant, third party expenses), travel, subsistence, word and data processing, printing, and all other overhead expenses and VAT. Payment will be phased and linked to progress.

The budget for this work will be in an approximate range of €8,000 - €11,000 (inc VAT).

A contract will be agreed with the HSE once the preferred service provider is chosen.

Consultants are required to return their submissions to:

Denis O’Driscoll
Addiction service
Bridge House
Cherry Orchard Hospital
Dublin 10


Posted by drugsdotie on 04/08 at 08:36 AM in
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