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Exams a bad time for stop smoking campaign

A survey of more than 700 students has found that smokers on a university campus are more likely to be aged 22 or above and live in their own accommodation - and that campaigns to raise awareness of quitting are more successful if timed away from exam time.

The research was conducted at Trinity College Dublin as part of proposals to establish a smoke-free campus.

A previous online survey showed that 50% of undergraduates, 58% of postgraduates and 66% of staff were in favour of the Trinity campus becoming smoke-free.

The authors of this study, led by Dr Gabrielle McKee of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Institute of Population Health in TCD, said its background “was a proposal to introduce a tobacco-free campus in a university in the Republic of Ireland” and that students might be receptive to health promotion initiatives.


Source: Irish Examiner, 25/04/2017

Posted by Andy on 04/25 at 08:58 AM in
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