SAR Consultancy, UCC -Department of Sociology and Criminology and The British Embassy in Dublin will host an online discussion on the topic of Irish and British drug markets 'Irish Security Series #25:Trafficking Drugs Into and Between the UK and IRL' on the 2nd February from 14:00 - 17:00.
Illicit drug distribution chains are complex. Before any drug reaches Ireland or Great Britain it will likely have passed through several stages, including: the diversion of precursor chemicals, the cultivation of crops, manufacture of drugs and then smuggling across national and international borders. Smuggling can be high- or low-tech, depending on the local environment, volume of drugs being smuggled and the traffickers’ resources. Many traffickers are adaptive and innovative entrepreneurs.
National and global markets for drugs are, however, ever changing. Illicit markets respond to: pressure from law enforcement, consumer demand, supply issues, the development of new drugs, changes to licit economies and licit trade routes, and the introduction of new technology. The internet, for example, has significantly altered how drug markets operate. Drug cultivation products are sold on the surface web, drugs are advertised on social media and sold on crypto-markets.
This seminar will explore the markets for drugs within and between Ireland and the UK. Both islands are major consumer markets, having amongst the highest prevalence rates in the Global North for some drugs, and some of the highest rates of drug-related deaths and injecting drug use.
- Nicki Killeen, HSE National Social Inclusion Office
- Dr Robert McLean - Criminal Justice Lecturer - University of the West of Scotland
- Angela Willis – Detective Chief Superintendent – An Garda Síochána
- Moderator: Ms Sheelagh Brady - Chief Analyst SAR Consultancy
Register for this event here.