Yes, we drink differently than the Italians. Let's stop spending money on this non-problem, writes Eilis O'Hanlon
Eat this. Drink that. Don't eat this. Don't drink that. Some people just aren't happy unless they're telling others what they should and should not be doing with their own bodies.
They ought to be delighted, then, by the news we've all heeded their advice and are now drinking less than our European neighbours. Ought to be. But they're not. Now, why doesn't that surprise me?
What is surprising is those figures. Alcohol consumption in Ireland has dropped by a fifth in the last decade, and a mere 3 per cent of Irish people drink every day, as opposed to nearly half of Portuguese people. In fact, we've gone from being Europe's heaviest drinkers to being slap bang in the middle of the range. From world leaders in boozing to bog standard. The nannies have won.
Source: Eilis O'Hanlon, Irish Independent, 09/04/2012