Gardai will begin carrying out roadside drug testing from next summer as part of a major crackdown on dangerous driving.
The Government has approved new rules, which will also target drivers who use their mobile phones or fail to wear a seatbelt.
Learner drivers also come under scrutiny in the Road Traffic Bill. They will be put off the road if they amass six penalty points – half the limit for more experienced drivers.
Major changes to the penalty points system, revealed by the Irish Independent last October and approved by Cabinet yesterday, include:
Learner drivers who are driving without a qualified driver will be hit with penalty points for the first time.
- Penalty points for mobile phone use, including texting, will rise from two to three.
Points for speeding and not wearing a seatbelt will also rise from two to three.
The new bill also includes provision for drug-driving testing. This would involve motorists being tested through a series of impairment tests – such as walking in a straight line – and failure to pass can be used as evidence in court.
Source: Paul Melia, Irish Independent, 12/12/12