The health service is struggling to cope with a surge in cases of liver disease – with one specialist unit showing 14,000 people were admitted to hospital for treatment for alcohol dependency in a single year.
St Vincent's Hospital in Dublin figures show a 335pc increase in admissions with alcoholic liver disease between 1995 and 2010.
It is mostly due to the effects of heavy drinking, which can lead to a range of illnesses, including liver disease.
However, a conference of liver disease specialists will hear today that, despite the alarming trend, they may have nowhere to send many patients who need treatment for alcohol abuse.
A survey to be presented to the meeting of gastroenterologists today reveals how 80pc of doctors said they have no access to outpatient detox clinics.
And less than half were able to send the patient abusing alcohol to a nurse specialist.
Source: Eilish O'Regan, Irish Independent, 22/11/13