CHRISTY Moore once wrote a song about climbing up the walls in the cold, grey reality of the aftermath of a serious bender.
Delirium Tremens as a title speaks for itself. The lyrics are full of dark terror and lonely pain, all fused with Moore’s bawdy humour. The song was recorded in 1985, at a time when Guinness was running an excellent TV advertising campaign, which featured a surfer riding a huge wave, balanced on top of the world, poised as a perfect specimen of a human being, taking on the might of nature.
Moore’s lyrics contrasted the song’s narrator with this feat of sporting prowess.
“As I sat looking up at the Guinness ad, I could never figure out/ How your man stayed up on the surfboard, after 14 pints of stout.”
On sober reflection, the lyrics could be posed as a question, albeit one lacking Moore’s talent with words: What possible connection could there be between elite sports and getting tanked on booze?
That was nearly 30 years ago. In the intervening period, sports in this country has become inextricably linked with alcohol.
Source: Michael Clifford, Irish Examiner, 08/06/2013