Drugs.ie competition winner Daniel recalls his experience of alcohol abuse in the home.
For Christmas 2015, there were no sleigh bells. There were no merry drinks with family. There was no exchanging of presents.
Instead, there was the sound of an ambulance. There were empty bottles of wine in my mother’s unmade bed. The only exchange was my mother’s medical history with the paramedics.
There was no Christmas dinner. Nor were there any presents tucked underneath the naked Christmas tree. On December 25th, I found my mother lying at the bottom of the stairs with her ribs broken as a result from drinking too much alcohol.
My mother is an alcoholic. And she is not alone. Alcohol dependency and abuse is an affliction that permeates throughout Ireland with alcoholic disorders accounting for 10 per cent of admission, in terms of diagnosis of first admission, into psychiatric units and hospitals in 2011.
Source: Irish Times, 13/12/2016