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Doctors hail minimum alcohol price

A minimum price of at least 50p should be set for small amounts of alcohol in Northern Ireland, doctors said.

Some drink are sold for less than the cost of water but the health service bill may be as high as £160 million a year, research showed.

Excessive drinking is a significant cause of premature death and associated with violence and family breakdown, the British Medical Association (BMA) said.

Chairman Dr Paul Darragh said: "BMA believes that an effective measure to reduce alcohol misuse is to implement a realistic minimum price for alcohol. This is to ensure that alcohol cannot be sold below cost and, in effect, be cheaper than water to purchase. We believe that such a move will save lives through a reduction in alcohol consumption."

The organisation believes a minimum price per unit of alcohol, equivalent to half a pint of beer, should be set at no less than 50p.

Excessive alcohol consumption cost the NHS up to £160 million a year with a further social services bill of £82 million, according to 2010 figures published by Stormont's Health Department.


Source: Belfast Telegraph, 06/08/2013

Posted by drugsdotie on 08/06 at 09:32 AM in
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