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Doctor warns of big rise in use of Valium

Ireland is in the grip of a Valium epidemic, with a surge in use among 15 to 35-year-olds, a top emergency medicine consultant has warned.

Drug taking is now as entrenched a problem in Irish society as drinking, Dr Chris Luke believes.

And medical staff in emergency departments are left to deal with the problem.

"My own view is that drug misuse is very much entrenched now in Irish life and Irish culture and it's really close to being as bad a problem or as entrenched a problem as drinking has been for centuries," he told the Herald.

"When I say drugs, the drugs that I expect to see now would be sleeping tablets. There seems to be an enormous epidemic of sleeping tablets," Dr Luke said.


Source: Cormac Murphy, Evening Herald, 28/12/2012

Posted by Andy on 12/28 at 10:36 AM in
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