Pat Carey T.D., Minister for Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs announced his intention to extend the Dial to Stop Drug Dealing Campaign across Local and Regional Drugs Task Forces.
Speaking today at the presentation of certificates to graduates of the TURAS programme in the Canal Communities Local Drugs Task Force area, Minister Carey said:
“The benefits of the Dial-to-Stop Drug Dealing are manifold. Since the campaign has been in operation, well over 6,000 calls have been made to the line, resulting in over 1,800 reports to the Garda. In addition to this obvious benefit, the campaign has given communities and individuals a sense of empowerment and a feeling that they can make a difference and help stop the spread of drug misuse in their communities”.
He continued, “I hope to be in a position to extend the phone-line and provide additional funding for promotional materials in the coming weeks. Officials in my Department will be in contact with Local and Regional Drugs Task Force with a view to maximising the impact of the campaign”.
Minister Carey also took the opportunity to warn people again about the dangers associated with substances being sold in headshops;
“At this stage we are all aware of the dangers that substances sold in headshops can cause. Headshops and “legal highs are among the issues in the drugs area that are causing me most concern. My Department along with the Departments of Justice and Law Reform and Health and Children are working on a combined strategy to tackle the problems associated with headshops and the risk attached to them. I would also urge the HSE to double their efforts and get the awareness campaign on headshops up and running as soon as possible. It is vital that people – especially young people- understand the risks they are taking”.
Source: Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, 15/06/2010