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Decriminalise all drugs says Junior Justice Minister

Stanton also wants Traveller ethnicity recognised.

A newly appointed junior justice minister wants personal possession of all illegal drugs to be decriminalised as part of the Government's plan to tackle gangland crime.

Minister of State for Equality, Migration and Integration, David Stanton, also plans to use his new position to convince Fine Gael colleagues to recognise the Travelling Community as a distinct ethnic minority group.

Speaking for the first time since taking office, Mr Stanton also revealed Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald is supportive of both proposals.

As the former chair of the Oireachtas Justice Committee, the Cork East TD produced a report recommending that Ireland should follow the Portuguese legal system on possession drugs.


Source: Philip Ryan, Irish Independent, 18/07/2016

Posted by Andy on 07/18 at 09:06 AM in
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