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Decline in young people smoking shows we are breaking habits

WHO could have thought just a few short years ago that Ireland might one day have a smoke-free generation?

Well, believe it or not, this truly amazing prospect is now within reach, as according to the latest research, only 8% of young people between the ages of 10 and 17 are now smoking.

Not since the abolition of smoking in the workplace has there been such good news about this life-threatening addiction and from every viewpoint that has to regarded as a most welcome development.

In 1998, more than 21% of the same age group smoked. The Irish Cancer Society deserves much of the credit for this promising downward trend which, if maintained, could eventually make Ireland a tobacco-free zone as children are increasingly turned off smoking.

There is, nevertheless, a darkening cloud on the horizon because US researchers say three in four battery-powered e-cigarettes use a flavoured liquid linked to severe respiratory disease. That’s bad news for many smokers who turned to e-cigarettes in a bid to cut the habit.

Source: Irish Examiner, 10/12/15

Posted by on 12/10 at 09:52 AM in
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