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Decision to include vaping advice on official HSE website ‘does not represent policy change’

THE HSE SAYS its decision to include a section on vaping on its official website does not represent a change in government policy, but followed a reevaluation of information provided on the site in recent months.

Vaping advice hadn’t been mentioned on the site until last month.

The new section, added on 12 February, stresses that as e-cigarettes are fairly new more work needs to be done to figure out whether they’re safe to help people quit smoking, and goes on to recommend nicotine replacement therapy as a primary course of action.

The HSE’s advice is that “we don’t yet know how safe they are or if they help people stop smoking”.

The appearance of the new section followed the publication of major new study on vaping which found that e-cigarettes were twice as effective as nicotine patches or gum at helping people quit smoking traditional cigarettes.


Source: Daragh Brophy, The Journal, 3rd March 2019 

Posted by on 03/04 at 09:11 AM in
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