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Cut price alcohol causing problems

The VFI have called on the Government for tighter guidelines on the sale and supply of alcohol in Ireland.

Chairman of Tullamore Vintners Paul Bell said below cost alcohol is causing huge problems both socially and domestically.

“I have very strong views on below cost alcohol in supermarkets. This came into law with the Grocery Order, which allows supermarkets to sell products below cost,” said Mr Bell who added that undercutting publicans was not the issue.

“It causes problems in families. When something has a very small price then people don’t value it and abuse it. Most countries done allow this.”

He stated that a pub provides a ‘controlled environment’ and if people have had too much to drink then they are not served. He said many drink at home before coming out but the finger is pointed at publicans.

Mr Bell noted that the VFI also have ‘very strong opinions’ on the regulation of drink being delivered.

“It is illegal for me to sell drink to someone under 18 and if a pub is caught doing this, they can be closed down. Yet people can have it delivered to the house, it’s a farce,” said Mr Bell. He said regulations can be very strict in some areas while extremely loose in others.

The VFI say a recent Prime Time programme only served to highlight what they have been saying for a number of years with regard to the manner in which alcohol is displayed, the manner in which it is being promoted and the manner in which it can be sold as a loss leader by supermarkets.

The VFI is specifically calling for the immediate introduction and full application of Section 9 of the Intoxicating Liqueur Act, 2008 which requires that alcohol is sold in a separate part of the premises to other non-licensed goods. Alcohol must be sold in a segregated area in a supermarket.

It wants proper controls to be implemented around the promotion and marketing of alcohol, specifically within supermarkets and any ambiguity surrounding the practice of distance selling be cleared up.

Finally the VFI supports measures which will simplify the licensing laws, reduce alcohol-related harm, especially among young people and improve compliance with licensing law by licensees, and its enforcement by the Gardaí.

Source: Grace O'Dea, The Offaly Express, 25/08/2010

Posted by Andy on 08/25 at 12:33 PM in
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