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Crosscare Drug & Alcohol Programme: Don’t Lose The Head Workshops

Don't Lose the HeadThess workshops are aimed at parents/guardians and other family members who take care of children and young people and would like information on how to manage situations that may arise around drug & alcohol issues.


As part of the Swords Community Safety Week, CROSSCAR DRUG & ALCOHOL PROGRAMME are hosting a workshop on Don’t Lose the Head

Venue: Rivervalley Community Centre, Swords
Date: Thursday 23rd September
Time: 7pm—8.30pm


As part of the Blanchardstown Safety Week, CROSSCARE DRUG & ALCOHOL PROGRAMME are hosting a workshop on Don’t Lose the Head

Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel, The Blanchardstown Centre
Date: Thursday 7th October
Time: 9.45 am – 11.45 am

Don't Lose the Head Information

Posted by Andy on 09/21 at 09:42 AM in
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