A letter published in today's Irish Times, 01/08/2011, by Chris Murphy, Director, Crosscare Drug & Alcohol Programme, Dublin
Sir, I was delighted to read Dr Jacky Jones (HealthPlus July 26th) on education as a determinant of health. My own interest is in prevention of drug and alcohol problems, and Dr Jones is right: talks about the dangers of substance misuse rarely lead to reduced consumption of drugs and in some cases are counter-productive.
A recently published Irish survey studied drug use among early school-leavers and those who stayed in school. The survey concluded that the same factors underlie early school leaving and substance misuse and that a lack of connection between student and school is one of the main factors. Where this connection is strong, a student is more likely to stay in school up to 16 years of age and is less likely to misuse drugs and alcohol.
The conclusion? In social, personal and health education (SPHE) the human, inter-personal, relational factors are more important than the factual content. They are the foundation upon which a young person can build self-esteem, self-care, wisdom and good decision-making. Any teacher in a school, and any parent at home, who relates well to a young person is contributing constructively to prevention of substance misuse, even without mention of the words “drugs” or “alcohol”. – Yours, etc,
Chris Murphy
Crosscare Drug & Alcohol Programme
Clonliffe College
Dublin 3
Source: Irish Times