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Conference for Parents, Guardians & Carers: Drugs - Fears, Facts & Feelings


Drugs - Fears, Facts & Feelings. 

Venue: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8

Date: Saturday October 17th 2015, 9:30am-5:00pm. Registration 9:30am sharp. Lunch provided


Dr Kevin A Sabet, Smart Approaches to Marijuana.
The keynote speaker will be discussing the impact of decriminalisation/legalisation of cannabis on communities in the US.

Dr Des Corrigan
An update on psychoactive substances - drugs that young people may come into contact with.

Philip James, HSE Youth Drug & Alcohol Services
Presentation on YoDA's (HSE Youth Drug & Alcohol Services) findings on Cannabis, the perspective of young smokers.

Rita O'Reilly CEO Parentline
Information will be provided on the Non Violence Resistance Programme, a brief practical and research-based programme aimed at providing parents with strategies for coping with child to parent violence.

Department of Education
Speaker to be confirmed

Social, Personal & Health Education Post Primary
A presentation on new developments with the SPHE Substance Misuse Prevention module


For further information contact

Download registration form


Posted by Andy on 09/08 at 01:33 PM in
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