CityWide's Daithi Doolan has challenged, "Councillor Breen to clarify outrageous comments in yesterday's Sunday Independent article entitled 'Move Junkies to the suburbs'. In calling for the city's addiction services to be moved out of the city centre Cllr. Breen clearly shows he knows nothing about the drugs crisis that has gripped this city for over 20 years. The truth is there are only three HSE clinics in Dublin's city centre that issue methadone. One on Amien Street which caters for residents of the north inner city, one on Castel Street which caters for south side and Trinity Court on Pearse Street which is a national response. The Lord Mayor should remember he represents all of Dublin's citizens not just those with business interests. By his own admission Cllr. Breen never engaged with any service - he would be better off meeting services before he makes hollow, headline grabbing comments."
Doolan explained, "Local communities have responded with imaginative rehabilitative projects. Many of these projects face further hardship in the forthcoming budget. We would invite the Lord Mayor to accept an invitation to visit these services. This way the Lord Mayor could see at first hand the real challenges facing people in Dublin and the positive response being made. The Lord Mayor would be better off defending these services rather than attempting to shut them down."
In conclusion Doolan urged the Lord Mayor to, "accept CityWide's invitation to visit drug services so we might work together to tackle the causes and consequences of the city's drug crisis."
Source: CityWide, 21/09/2010