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Callous two-tier system cannot help student in alcohol crisis

Youth binge-drinking is strongly related to alcohol dependence, which itself is linked to heightened risk of self-harm and suicide.

Sarah, a first-year college student, has been coming to me for counselling for several weeks. She is in deep despair, using addictions to alcohol and food to cope with daily life and the demands of her college course.
Once upon a time she had dreams of pursuing her passion for diving and wildlife conservation, and of tracking the migration of humpback whales around the world. Painting and making papier-mache whales kept the dream alive. Now though, these dreams are a distant memory, since she no longer potters or paints.

Her condition has deteriorated considerably since Christmas and continues to worsen. Sarah represents the one in five 18- to 24-year-olds whose drinking is out of control.

A 2013 report by the Health Research Board on alcohol use in Ireland highlights alcohol misuse as an increasingly serious problem among youth.

It reports that 44 per cent of young men and 39 per cent of young women aged between 18 and 24 frequently drink more than the recommended weekly guidelines (that is, more than 16 standard drinks a week for men and 11 standard drinks for women).

Most concerning, however, is the fact that this age-bracket exhibits the highest incidence of dependence (15 per cent), with increasing numbers of people under 30 affected by chronic alcohol conditions.


Source: Cristina Galvin, The Irish Times, 12/05/15

Posted by on 05/12 at 08:38 AM in
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